PURE WORLD company group

​​​​​​​Innovate technologies for cleaning differents objects of oil pollutants
Home \ Services \ Reconstruction of existing washing stations

Reconstruction of existing and build new washing stations of prepare railway cisterns

Model Purpose and characteristics
МКО-1000.05 (HYD) For inner cleaning of oil and gasoline railway tank cars (included into the Washing Station equipment) (40F HC)
МКО-1000.05 (OC) For inner cleaning of railway tank cars and container tanks transporting organic chemistry products (included into the Washing Station equipment) (40F HC)
МКО-1000.05 (IC) For inner cleaning of railway tank cars and container tanks transporting inorganic chemistry products (included into the Washing Station equipment) (40F HC)
МКО-1000.05 (OFP) For inner cleaning of railway tank cars and container tanks transporting oil and fat products (included into the Washing Station equipment) (40F HC)
МКО-1000.05 (BG) For inner cleaning of railway cars transporting bulk cargoes (included into the Washing Station equipment) (40F HC)

Advantages of the technology:


Mobile  cleaning complex МКО-1000

Preparation stage of the railway cisterns for oil and oil products transportation at the steam-heating stations (SHS) is one of the most resource-intensive and ecologically dangerous technological process in rolling stock sector. The process of cistern preparation involves large consumption of heat, electrical energy, water and manual labour. Besides it causes severe wastewater pollution, formation of oil-containing wastes and harmful emissions into the atmosphere. 
    Owing to ever-growing railway oil products transportation volumes, technological improvements for preparation stage of cisterns, especially for transportation of high quality oil products, become a pending problem. One of the promising avenues is implementation of resource-conserving and ecologically efficient technology, developed by specialists of “Pure World M” GOC on the basis of Mobile cleaning complex MK-1000 appliance and technical detergent (TM) of new generation “Vega-PW”. This technology is the further development of steamless method for cistern preparation. It opens new opportunities for sufficient resource conservation, improved preparation quality of the cistern, eduction of harmful emissions into the environment and oil products recycling. Additional advantage is a 100% import substitution and further prevention of dependence on foreign companies-suppliers.

Our address:
115201, Russia, Moscow, Kotlyakovskaya street 3 build 13