PURE WORLD company group

​​​​​​​Innovate technologies for cleaning differents objects of oil pollutants
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Development, design and manufacture of Mobile Cleaning Complexes

Technology for oil industry wastes utilization was developed as a result of research, undertaken by specialists of “Pure World» Group of Companies. Engineering-design documentation and working documents were finalized, serial production has been established for mobile and stationary equipment for various facilities cleaning of hydrocarbon contaminations and drains. This technology is based on appliance of Mobile cleaning complex – MKO-1000, with use of new scientific developments. The main process of the technology is the separation of hydrocarbon compounds from surfaces using technical detergent VEGA-PW, that create a wedging effect and have a high demulsibility. 
    These developments have attracted the wide attention of government and private companies in different regions of the world, particularly in the Middle East, North Africa, South-East Asia, Europe, Kazakhstan, republic of Belarus, Baltic countries, and Latin America. At the present time due to an open policies and efforts of the “Pure World” management, aimed at effective and mutually beneficial cooperation, regional ventures and affiliated companied are being established in Russia and in some other foreign countries.
    At the present time  “Pure World” Group of companies has established industrial production of eight basic modifications of Mobile installations MKO for cleaning storage tanks, oil-products transportation, petrochemicals, oil and fats  and food products.
    Equipment and technologies developed by specialists of “Pure World” Group of Companies are patented and certified, provided with all the necessary permissive documents to work in oil industry, including quality management system ISO 9001-2001 and ecology management system ISO 14001-98. Certified equipment meet European standards SGS.


Purpose and characteristics of Mobile Cleaning Complexes МКО-1000
MKO Complexes are intended for cleaning of tank storages and transportation of oil and oil products:
•    storage tank farms at the exploitation fields, storage terminals and oil refinery stations;
•    railway tank cars for oil products transportation; 
•    river and sea tank vessels for crude oil transportation;
•    tank-containers for oil products and petrochemicals transportation; 
•    road tank vehicles for oil products transportation; 
•    filling stations.

Model Purpose and characteristics
MKO-1000.02 For cleaning of light oil product storage tanks, the volume up to 10,000 m3 and filling stations (20F DC)
MKO-1000.03 For cleaning of dark oil product storage tanks, the volume up to 50,000 m3 (40F DC)
MKO-1000.04 For cleaning of light oil product storage tanks, the volume up to 50,000 m3 (40F DC)
MKO-1000.05 (HYD) For inner cleaning of oil and gasoline railway tank cars (included into the Washing Station equipment) 
(40F HC)
MKO-1000.05 (OC) For inner cleaning of railway tank cars and container tanks transporting organic chemistry products
(included into the Washing Station equipment) (40F HC)
MKO-1000.05 (IC) For inner cleaning of railway tank cars and container tanks transporting inorganic chemistry products 
(included into the Washing Station equipment) (40F HC)
MKO-1000.05 (OFP) For inner cleaning of railway tank cars and container tanks transporting oil and fat products
(included into the Washing Station equipment) (40F HC)
MKO-1000.05 (BG) For inner cleaning of railway cars transporting bulk cargoes (included into the Washing Station
equipment) (40F HC)
MKO-1000.06 For cleaning of aviation fuel product storage tanks, the volume up to 50,000 m3 (40F DC)
MKO-1000.07 For cleaning of oil and fat product storage tanks, the volume up to 50,000 m3 (40F DC)


Key advantages of tank cleaning works with the MKO-1000



Comparative table of technical characteristics between MKO-1000 and foreign tank cleaning complexes

No Parameter Units Pure World M, Russia KMT International, USA Oreko, Dennmark
1. Cleaning Complex Model   МКО-1000 MegaMaks MoClean
2. Base   Standard 40’’ container.  If necessary  20’’ container is used with power unit 40’’ non-standard container and chassis mounted equipment Standard 20’’ High Cube container
3. Number of modules pcs one-two two-three* six-nine
4. Dimensions        
  Length m 12,13 12,2 6,6
  Width m 2,44 2,44 2,44
  Height m 2,59 3,86 2,9
5. Weight ton 18 28 65,1
6. Power consumption of electrical equipment kW 90 330 398
7. Power unit – diesel generator kW 100 330 398
8. Fuel tank l 850 2270 2000
9. Diesel fuel consumption l/h 95 112-152 120-150
10. Centrifuge pump for oil sludge erosion        
  Capacity m3\h 40 68 100
  Pressure bar 10-12 20,7 12-15
11. Washing means   aqueous solution of detergent Vega diesel fuel diesel fuel
12. Number of operators per shift   3-4 3-5 5-8
13. Time for mobilization days 0,5 0,5 5-10
14. Cost of the equipment USD 500 000 3 600 000 5 000 000
15 Cost of the equipment per day USD 1225 5626 7610
16. Cost of the cleaning  of 1 m3 USD 60 120 150
17. Extent of oil recovery out of oil sludge % 90-95 90-95 90-94
Our address:
115201, Russia, Moscow, Kotlyakovskaya street 3 build 13