Increase of global oil production leads to hundreds of thousands tons of oil sludge formation at the oil production and processing plants and storage facilities. Chemical composition of oil sludge varies, that later determines the methods of its utilization. The majority of oil sludge deploys in sludge collectors, while causing anthropogenic stress to the environment. Therefore the development of waste refinery technologies in oil industry and their implementation becomes a pressing problem. That is one of the main assets for scientists and engineers of “Pure World” Group of Companies.
Specialists of “Pure World” GOC have developed the most effective methods and equipment (complexes) for refineries of oil sludge and wastes, that are formed during extraction, processing and storage of oil and oil products; methods consists in extraction, mixing and physical separation of oil sludge from processed oil product, clean technical water and environmentally clean hard residue.
Biological method, developed by scientists of “Pure World” GOC, is based on the use of non-toxic, non-pathogenic natural bacteria, extracted from the oil-polluted soil. For these bacteria oil hydrocarbons are natural food source, where the final product of decomposition of oil are carbon dioxide and water.
Technologies and complexes offered by our company comprise combination of above-mentioned methods of oil industry waste refinery. It should be noted that technical means, implementing above-mentioned methods, produced by foreign manufacturers are characterized by expensive cost yet producing far more secondary wastes and are hard to operate.
Developed by “Pure World” and manufactured in series equipment (Complex) for oil-containing waste refinery tend to advance to increase efficiency and environmental safety of oil sludge refinery, receiving liquid oil products, technical water and other useful material.
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Oil sludge refinery complex:
- Mobile cleaning complexes MKO-1000 (container 40F DC).
- Modular boiler room (TGU-0,69 MW).
- Power supply and centrifugation module (МЕС-100/25).
- Pontoon.
- The formation water treatment complex.
- Installations for processing oil sludge.
- Additional equipment:
- bottom Sediment Washing Device URDO-1;
- screw conveyor;
- belt conveyors;
- fire monitor;
- hydraulic station;
- hydraulic slurry pump;
- diaphragm pump;
- pressure-suction sleeves MBS.
Mobile installations for processing oil sludge UZG-1M
The unit has a processing capacity of oiled soils from 6 to 8 tons per hour. It is designed for processing and utilization of oil contaminated soils and oil containing waste, incl. nonrecyclable methods of washing, bio-processing or other methods, are economically less profitable. The unit provides utilization of heavily soiled soils with a pollution degree of more than 3%. Waste is processed at a temperature of 500-900° С.
For ease of operation, the control panel of the units is placed in a special booth, taken out at a distance of 6-10 meters from the thermal desorber.
The rotating drum is made of a high-strength steel pipe with a wall thickness of 10-15 mm, withstanding an internal radial pressure of not less than 50 kg / cm2. The rotating parts of the installation have a fence.
Fuel burners have a system for protecting and blocking the burner to control the flame and limit values of the temperature parameters of the thermal desorber of the installation.
The afterburner is an additional unit of the UZG-1M line and designed to reduce the concentration of harmful emissions is due to the decomposition of residues of harmful components contained in the off-gas when the temperature is brought from 500-900 degrees C to 1050- 1200 degrees Celsius.
Biological remediation of oil contaminated soil
The method assumes refusal of universality in application of microorganisms at a remediation of lands and focuses a binding of preparations to specific conditions of the environment and qualities of oil more. This problem is solved as follows:
- From the polluted surface remove a sample, and allocate from this sample microorganisms already living on this polluted soil. These microorganisms – "native" also are already adapted and for environment conditions, and for this quality of hydrocarbons.
- The allocated cultures grow up separately in sterile conditions, mix and bring in the polluted soil. Such mechanism allows:
a) sharply to increase a caption, at the expense of higher degree of survival of microorganisms and their best adaptation to the native environment that attracts increase of speed of destruction of hydrocarbons;
b) to reduce volumes of introduction of microorganisms to this environment. For increase in growth rate of already brought cultures it is necessary to provide a number of low-cost measures that also has to stimulate work of microorganisms.
Cultures of microorganisms at oil destruction process